간단 요리 순부두 계란찜 : https://blog.naver.com/hwa202/221372684490 매콤한 감자조림 : http://blog.naver.com/dalae4848/221307115513 달콤 콘치즈 : https://blog.naver.com/soso7869/221357980709 비엔나 소시지 꽃주먹밥 : https://m.blog.naver.com/koyunj0723/221267160501 이것저것 2018.10.16
I don't have time to wait. I don't have time to ~. I don't have time to lose. I don't have time to drop by. I don't have time to grab a bite. I don't have time to go over the report. A : Good morning sir. Would you like breakfast? B : Yes. But can you bring me something quick. I don't have time to wait A : Then we'll arrange sandwich box for you. It'll be the quickest. I knew he would ~. 그가 ~할 줄 알았어. I knew he would ask h.. 심심풀이 영어 2012.03.29
Didn't you hear? Didn't you ~ ? ~하지 않았니? Didn't you get it? (이해하지 못했어? ) Didn't you call her? (그녀한테 전화했어?) Didn't you cancel your appointment? Didn't you get her call? (그 여자 전화 안 받았어? ) Didn't you notice that? (눈치채지 못했어? ) Didn't you hear? (야~ 못들었어? ) What do you want to ~? (~하고 싶어?) What do you want to do tomorrow? What do you want to buy? Do you expect me to ~? (내가 ~하길 바라는거야? ) : negative feeling임. Do you expe.. 심심풀이 영어 2012.03.28
Did you forget what to do next? Did you forget what to 동사~ ? Did you forget what to make a copy of? Did you forget what to say? Did you forget what to order? Did you forget what to do next? A : Did you forget what to do next? B : I think I've finished all my work for today. A : You were supposed to have submitted the financial report by now. I have a feeling that you can 동사. (니가 ~할 수 있을 것 같아. )I have a feeling that you can mak.. 심심풀이 영어 2012.03.27