Didn't you ~ ? ~하지 않았니?
Didn't you get it? (이해하지 못했어? )
Didn't you call her? (그녀한테 전화했어?)
Didn't you cancel your appointment?
Didn't you get her call? (그 여자 전화 안 받았어? )
Didn't you notice that? (눈치채지 못했어? )
Didn't you hear? (야~ 못들었어? )
What do you want to ~? (~하고 싶어?)
What do you want to do tomorrow?
What do you want to buy?
Do you expect me to ~? (내가 ~하길 바라는거야? ) : negative feeling임.
Do you expect me to pay in advance? (선불로 내길 바라는거에요? )
Do you expect me to drive?
Do you expect me to clean?
Do you expect me to call him first? (그에게 먼저 전화하길 기대하는거야? )
Don't ~ me. (나를 ~하게 하지마.)
Don't embarrass me like that again.
Don't bother me.
Don't confuse me.
Don't disappoint me.
Don't irritate me.(날 짜증나게 하지마.)
* Tell me in advance. 미리 말해줘.
* Come on. I was so stunned. (뭐야~ 깜짝 놀랐잖아..)