심심풀이 영어

might have to

nooncot 2008. 11. 11. 18:17
[ might have to ]
She might have to do a lot of paperwork.
No, she did a lot of paperwork yesterday.

He might have to read a business magazine.
No, he read a business magazine yesterday.

She might have to send an email.
No, she sent an email yesterday.

[ Two patterns with both ]
Both Ken and Bill are going hiking now.
= Ken and Bill are both going hiking now.

Both Mrs. Adnrews and Mary will be going shopping later.
= Mrs. Andrews and Mary will both be going shopping later.

Both Ryan and Paul go sailing on Sundays.
= Ryan and Paul both go sailing on Sundays.

[ Neither . . . Nor ]
Neither Ken nor Bill goes downtown very often.
Neither Mrs. Andrews nor Mary has gone to work yet.
Neither Ryan nor Paul went to the island last year.
Neither Mrs. Miller nor her friend has ever gone fishing.

Mr. Sims hasn't made a shopping list, and neither has his wife.
= Neither Mr. Sims nor his wife has mad a shopping list.
That's right. Neither of them has made a shopping list.

Mr. Sims must've gone downtown, and so must his wife.
= Both Mr. Sims and his wife must've gone downtown.
That right. Both of them must've gone downtown.